Kingdom Happy Hour | Meditating on the Bible
When we declare the powerful word of God transformation begins.
At Kingdom Happy Hour we have put together powerful audio declarations of the bible.
These audio declarations start by reading the scripture as is, next the scripture is read over you and lastly the scripture is put in the form of a personal declaration for you to be able to declare the scripture for yourself.
We call this 3 sided approach turboJoys. turboJoys are designed to help the listener receive and declare over themselves the word of God.
Kingdom Happy Hour | Meditating on the Bible
Instruction while Sleeping! | Meditating on the Bible (Job 33:15-17) - Turbo Joy 146
A little help while you sleep
“In a dream, a vision of the night [one may hear God’s voice], When deep sleep falls on men while slumbering upon the bed, Then He opens the ears of men And seals their instruction, That He may turn man aside from his conduct and keep him from pride.”
Job 33:15-17 (AMP)
Here is my declaration over you:
In a dream, a vision of the night you may hear God’s voice,
while you are sleeping deeply in your bed, He opens your ears and seals instructions for you, so you are turned aside from your plans and keeps you from pride.
Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:
Like In a dream, a vision of the night I hear God’s voice,
While I’m sleeping deeply, He opens my ears and seals up instructions for me, so I am turned aside from my plans for tomorrow and it keeps me from pride.
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